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830 Data Security and Management

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: May 06, 2022
830.1 Institutional Data and Obligations - Overview

Institutional data are a valuable resource to Indiana State University.  The environment for data security is complex and constantly changing.  A variety of international, federal and state laws, and industry regulations establish both personal and institutional responsibility for data security.  In addition to these, ethical and professional considerations create an obligation for all members of the ISU community to care for institutional data with the highest levels of awareness and best practices.

  • 830.1.1 Scope. Institutional Data are considered to be University resources and as such, policies controlling the creation, receipt, transmission, processing, use, storage, printing, or dissemination of data are set by the University.  These policies will be augmented as needed by specific standards and procedures that will apply at the institutional level. Nothing in this policy shall negate the provisions of the Policy Library Policy 370 Intellectual Property.
  • 830.1.2 Definition of Institutional Data. Indiana State University institutional data are data element which satisifies one or more of the following criteria:
    • Created, received, processed, maintained, transmitted, or stored as a result of educational, clinical, research, patient-care, or service activities; or
    • Used directly or indirectly for the planning, managing, operating, documenting, staffing, or auditing of one or more major administrative functions of the University; or
    • Used to derive any data element that fits the above criteria.
    • Included in an official University administrative report, or
    • Generated by a University workforce member or agent using any of the above data.
  • This definition applies regardless of the form or medium on which the data are created, received, processed, transmitted, or stored.
830.2 Types of Data

ISU recognizes the following categories and classifications of institutional data

  • 830.2.1 Categories of Data.  Data categories are defined based on the function and/or use of institutional data.  General institutional data categories include:
    • Alumni data
    • Contracts and grants data
    • Research data
    • Employee and benefits data
    • Facilities data
    • Faculty data
    • Financial and budget data
    • Health data
    • International programs data
    • Library data
    • Purchasing and travel data
    • Student and applicant data 
    • Instruction-related data      
  • 830.2.2 Classifications of Data.  Data classifications are defined based on the need to ensure the security and privacy of institutional data.  Data classifications are:
    • 830.2.2.1 Public Data.  Information and data that are intended for public view.
    • 830.2.2.2 University-Internal Data.  Data used internally to University operations or with selected University appointees or partners for ISU business purposes.  Access to University Internal Data should be determined based on the job responsibilities of the employee, appointee, or partner.
    • 830.2.2.3 Restricted Data.  Data that are sensitive or confidential and, as a result, require specific authorization for access.
    • 830.2.2.4. Highly-Restricted Data.  Highly confidential data that, if released, could result in criminal or civil penalties, identity theft, personal financial loss, or invasion of privacy.  Data protected under federal or state regulations or due to proprietary, ethical, or privacy considerations will typically be classified as Highly Restricted. 
830.3 Access to and Handling of Data

All ISU employees are responsible for handling institutional data properly based on its classification.  Data handling includes all activities associated with the creation, storage, transmission, printing, backup, retention, disposal and publication of ISU data. 

  • 830.3.1 Control of Data Access.
    • 830.3.1.1 Access.   Access to data other than public data shall be accomplished through the use of usernames (ID) and passwords. Elements used to control access to data (like IDs and passwords) are not to be shared with other employees. As noted above, data dissemination is driven by 1) the classification of the data, and 2) the need to know.
    • 830.3.1.2 Supervision of Students. Students who access ISU data other than public data will be supervised by full-time ISU personnel; student and student employee access to data other than public data shall be the responsibility of the full-time employee responsible for supervision of the student or student employee. Students and student employees are required to complete appropriate training in order to have access to non-public University Data.
  • 830.3.2 Data Handling and Use.  Users of institutional data must:
    • Access data only related to their conduct of University business, and in ways consistent with furthering the University’s mission of education, research, and public service
    • Respect the confidentiality and privacy of individuals whose records they may access
    • Observe any ethical or legal restrictions that apply to the data to which they have access
    • Abide by applicable laws, regulations, standards, and policies with respect to access, use, disclosure, retention, and/or disposal of information
  • Users of institutional data must not:
    • Disclose data to others except as required by their job responsibilities
    • Use data for their own or others’ personal gain or profit, except as allowed by ISU Policy, including  Policy 370 Intellectual Property.
    • Access data to satisfy personal curiosity.
  • University standards and procedures for data handling are provided in the Indiana State University Data Storage Policy Matrix, documented as part of Office of Information Technology standards.
830.4 Data Security Incidents
  • 830.4.1 Definition of a Data Security Incident.  A data security incident is an occurrence, threat, or possible compromise involving institutional data that are not Public Data.   Such a threat may be associated with a hardware component (e.g. a laptop, a smartphone) or an account.  Quite often, such incidents occur when a virus or malware infects an institutional computer, or when criminals use social engeering techniques to steal user credentials and gain access to university systems, and the data on or accessible to that device or the accounts that are used on that device are subject to compromise as a result.  In other cases, an action taken by an employee or student, such as theft, loss, or exposure of printed materials containing institutional data that are not Public Data, may constitute a compromise. For additional information please refer to Policy 651 Red Flags.
  • 830.4.2 Discovery of a Data Security Incident.  Discovery of a possible data security incident may occur in a variety of ways.  The following are examples:
    • ISU security or other software or network protocols demonstrates that a possible compromise has occurred
    • External security agencies notify ISU that a possible compromise has occurred
    • A computer user notices unexpected behavior and requests assistance from OIT support resources, who discover that a possible compromise has occurred
    • Transactional or procedural activity reveals that data has been compromised or released.
  • In some cases, discovery is made by information technology and/or security professionals; in others, discovery may be made by an individual employee and/or that employee’s management.
  • 830.4.3 Reporting of a Data Security Incident.  All users with ISU information technology resources must promptly report all information or data security incidents to the Office of Information Technology using the published incident reporting procedure available on the OIT website. 
  • University procedures for reporting data security incidents can be found HERE
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